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Thank you for your generosity!

Proverbs 11:25

We know the simple act of giving blesses the giver and forms a heart of gratitude. You can make monthly donations or payments for camps, mission trips, and programs here. Your gifts to Faith Church create and sustain the ministries and projects that connect people to God and change the world in life-giving ways.

Commit to Faith Church through Pledging

By Making a pledge, we set our own giving goals and help the church plan for ministries

Making a giving pledge to Faith Church is valuable for two reasons. Practically speaking, the finance team can more easily and accurately plan next year’s budget when we know approximately what to expect in income. Spiritually speaking, and more importantly, your process of prayerfully asking God to guide your decision and then making a commitment to serve God with your financial gifts is an act of worship and an expression of gratitude. Growing in generosity takes intentional commitment, writing down your commitment and turning it in is an act of discipleship.
You can submit your pledge card (the tearaway portion of the pledge brochure) to the church office with Attention: Finance Team.
Or you can make your pledge online with this form.
Only the Finance Secretary of the church and the pastor have access to your pledge data. Thank you for your faithfulness!

Make your pledge with this form

Give Better. Give Smarter. 

You can give more, and your gift can do more when you consider
some of these methods:

Stock Gifts

Avoid capital gains tax and receive an income tax deduction for the full amount of your gift by transferring stock. Our partners at Faith Foundation handles the process with no fees.

Giving from your ira

You owe no taxes on gifts to the church, the gifts count towards your required minimum distribution, and the gifts reduce your taxable income. 

Planning a bequest

Have you remembered the church in your will? Your legacy can change lives through the church for generations and generations. Give to what is important to you, and leave a legacy. 

Recurring Gifts

Setting up a recurring gift helps you and the church plan for ministries in the coming year. 
If you have any questions about any of these methods, you can reach us by this form below and set up a time to talk with the Pastor or a Finance Team Member.